Fi Green

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19, US, Single But Maybe Not For Long??

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Computer Trouble???

Category: Web, HTML, Tech

I have no idea what the problem could be, but for some reason when I tried to open SpaceHey on my computer it just told me the connection for the site is not secure. It was working just fine yesterday so I dont know what the problem could be. Maybe something happened to SpaceHey itself and it's just that my phone is uneffected by some sort of change??? Can someone help me if they can???? » Continue Reading

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Minecraft and Games

Category: Games

Lately, I've been playing a lot of Minecraft with my boyfriend and I wanna make some new friends who also play. While the sever that he, his friends and I use is private, if someone else has a server and is willing to let me join I would be beyond grateful! I do play modded but the only mod pack that I have downloaded is Valhelsia 3, but I also still love vanilla Minecraft so I'm pretty much down ... » Continue Reading

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There Will be an Attempt

Category: Blogging

I do want to try and use this as a sort of diary and make a blog post every day if I can. They will DEFINITYLY vary in topic but I'll do my best to make sure that the grammar, punctuation and category are all correct! I hope this can last as long as the website is viable and up. I'm not gonna lie I'm going to be rather upset if the website gets taken down any time soon. It seems so cool and I was ... » Continue Reading

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