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I am back with yet another typology blog entry after like 4 months! today's system is DiSC, a very very easy but a bit unpopular (I think??) typology system. it's very simple: you have 4 letters (d, i, s, c) and each of them are assigned certain traits. the idea is that you pick one or two letters you relate to the most and then you have your DiSC type. also notable: every letter has a certain colour. idk why but I think it's cute.


  • colour: green.
  • fears: loss of power, being seen as vulnerable, being taken advantage of.
  • motivations: power and authority, winning, success, concrete results, competition.
  • how others describe them: demanding, direct, strong-willed, driven, determined, risk-taking, outspoken, creative, inspirational.
  • limitations: lack of concern for others, sceptical of others, impatient, insensitive.


  • colour: red.
  • fears: being ignored, rejection, disaproval, loss of influence.
  • motivations: group activities, social recognition, relationships.
  • how others describe them: enthusiastic, charming, trusting, optimistic, convincing, gossips when in conflict with someone, praises people a lot.
  • limitations: impulsive, doesn't always follow through on tasks, disorganised.


  • colour: blue.
  • fears: change, loss of stability, offending others, letting people down or offending others.
  • motivations: cooperation, opportunities to help, stable environments, sincere appreciation.
  • how others describe them: patient, team player, calm, predictable, stable, consistent, modest, listens to others' perspectives, secure, loyal.
  • limitations: overly accommodating, indecisive, avoids change, avoids confrontation.


  • colour: yellow.
  • fears: being wrong, criticism, strong displays of emotion.
  • motivations: opportunities to gain knowledge, showing their expertise, producing quality work.
  • how others describe them: focused on objectivity; uses facts in conflict, logical, analytical, careful, accurate, stable, systematic, diplomatic, perfectionist, objective.
  • limitations: tends to overanalyze, overly critical, doesn't acknowledge people's feelings, isolates themselves, takes a long time making decisions. 

now that you know the traits of the letters, you can assign one or two to yourself. 

if you only relate to one letter and not to the others, you can just give yourself one. for example d. if you relate to two or more letters, you pick the ones you relate to the most. for example s and i. two letters is the maximum though. three letter combinations aren't possible. 

a combination (two letters) just means you're a blend between the two letters. for example: a cs will be calm, methodical, and careful, combining the traits of the two letters.

if you've read my blog entries about motives and big 5, you probably know that if you strongly relate to a trait, you can make it a capital letter. if you didn't know that, you do now. the same goes for DiSC. examples:

  1. if you only relate to d and therefore have just one letter as your DiSC type, and you don't strongly relate to it, your type is d.
  2. if you only relate to d and therefore have just one letter as your DiSC type, and you strongly relate to it, your type is D.
  3. if you relate to multiple letters and the two you relate to the most are s and i, you can be an si or an is. the one you relate to the most goes first. 
  4. let's say you're an si and you strongly relate to both s and i, you're an SI. 
  5. if you strongly relate to S but not to i, you're an Si. 
  6. if you think you're an si and you strongly relate to i and not to s, you're probably not an sI but an Is. remember: the most relatable one goes first.
  7. if you relate to both s and i, but you don't strongly relate to them, you're an si.

as for combinations (2 letters): some are kind of impossible. ci doesn't go well together since they have contradicting/opposite traits. 

rare/impossible combinations:

  1. ci or ic.
  2. sd or ds.

I hope this blog entry can help you figure out what your DiSC type is. if anything is unclear feel free to ask questions in the comments. if you're new and don't really know what typology is, please check out my intro to typology blog entry!

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