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an introduction to typology !

I have had a huge typology obsession for years and I want to actually do things on this website so I'll be explaining different typology systems and how to type yourself. I want to start by explaining what typology is, typing yourself, and some other things.

  • "what is typology?" typology is a (pseudo)science that organizes people into different groups based on their motivations, fears, how they think, what they do, etc... many people use it for personal growth and to get to know themselves better, but typology can also just be a hobby. there are a lot of typology systems. some examples are mbti, enneagram, big 5, socionics, and attitudinal psyche.
  • "how do I type myself?" I will be explaining some typology systems and how to type yourself in future blog entries, but for you to type yourself you just need to understand how a certain system works. it's quite simple (most of the time). but as I said I will be giving more detailed explanations in other blog entries.
  • "there are so many tests online. can't I just do those to know my typology?" you can do tests to know your typology or to get a rough overview of what your typology is, but typing yourself is better because your own judgment is more accurate than that of a test. so because tests are often inaccurate I'd recommend typing yourself. 
  • "all the numbers and letters look intimidating and there are so many systems. where do I start?" typology can look scary at first but I promise you that it can be quite simple. you can start by picking a system that interests you or that you think is easy. a lot of people start with mbti because it's the most popular one. to know stuff about systems I wouldn't recommend googling systems and clicking the first website that pops up, for a lot of websites are inaccurate/don't have good explanations. if you don't want to read my blog entries about typology I recommend @mel.phleg.mel on tiktok. they have a linktree with many informative documents about typology! @averagesx5 on tiktok has a linktree with lots of typology linktrees so I'd also check that out.
note: don't take everything I say too seriously. if you want to do tests to type yourself (or if you want to do anything I wouldn't recommend), go ahead. this is just my opinion and you're not automatically mistyped if you do things I don't recommend.

this blog entry is getting quite long so I'll be leaving it at that. if you have any questions about typology/what I explained in this blog entry please do ask them and if you think I got anything wrong please tell me so I can fix it!

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