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motives !

continuing my typology explainations (after months). the system I want to explain in this entry is MOTIVES. it's very similar to big 5, so if you've read that blog entry you can (hopefully) easily type yourself with this system. there are two words for each personality trait and you have to pick the word you relate to the most for each trait. you'll eventually end up with 7 letters (the first letters of the words you relate to the most).

attracting: materialistic and ascentic

  • materialistic people want to be impressive, attractive, and desirable to others. they seek what the external world deems best. materialists might buy certain cars, houses, etc... or even have certain jobs because it makes them look better.
  • ascentic people shun the material world, external ideals, public opinion, and the need to find validation in their social rank/status. they only care about what they think is valuable. they tend to want to live apart from society. arscentics are less capable of connecting with people. 

experimenting: offbeat and conventional

  • offbeat people want to step into the unknown and discover new things. what's the point of living a life that has already been lived before is the ethos of offbeat people. they want to experiment, which sometimes results in them or other people getting hurt. they can be thrill seekers and can sometimes be a bit reckless. 
  • conventional people are more likely to fear change. they might want an older, more simple existence. 

planning: thinking and haphazard

  • the thinker's main motivation is to have a structured life. they want predictability, security, order, and certainty. they want a rational understanding of things, it's not enough to know that something works or that it feels good, they want to know why. a thinker needs certainty, which can hinder them. they over-analize things, which sometimes delays them in decision making. thinkers are focused, but overly planned.
  • the haphazard finds it difficult to be structured and orderly and to follow long term plans. they tend to live a more unplanned life, relying on chance. they're less stiff than thinkers can be, but they tend to be stuck in the mental developement of a child because of that.

helping: interpersonal and withholding

  • interpersonal people are more about others than themselves. they want to help others. when they help others they don't do it to get something back, but because they're more wired to the needs of others than their own needs. they tend to be very empathetic.
  • withholding people are more selfish and unaccomodating than most people. they might lack empathy towards others. sociopaths often have an extreme withholding preference.

being positive: vital and depressive

  • vital people think happiness is something you have control over. they're positive, content, high energy, optimistic, energetic have a strong will to live, and they like who they are. 
  • depressed people on the other hand often hate who they are. they lack motivation, feel they have no control over life, think most people are better than them, feel that being optimistic leads to disappointment, are self destructive, and have a defeatist outlook on life.

relaxing: easygoing and rigid

  • easygoing people are compelled to relax and take it easy. they don't get worked up about things and prefer leisure and peacefulness.
  • rigid people tend to be stressed, they can't relax easily and work themselves up over things. they often don't see the point of relaxing. 

tribal defense: sectarian and globalist

  • sectarian people put their tribe/culture/nation first. they're weary of outsiders and don't like diversity. more likely to be authoritarian and xenophobic. they think their culture is the best one and are often very nationalistic.
  • globalist people are tolerant of diversity and believe the welfare of everyone is important (not just the welfare of one group). more likely to be liberal and in favour of a multi cultural society.

as I said before, motives is very similar to big 5. if you've chosen what words/traits fit you the most, you should get something like "aohiveg" or "motwdes". there are some things you can do to make your type fit you even more:
  1. if you don't relate to either of the traits of a type
  2. if you don't know which one you relate to yet
  3. or if you relate to both

you can put an "x". for example if your type is "aoh?veg" but you don't know if you relate to interpersonal (aohiveg) or withholding (aohwveg) more, you can type yourself as "aohxveg". 

  • if you strongly relate to a certain trait, you can make it a capital letter
  • if you mildly relate to a trait, you can leave it in lowercase

let's say you strongly relate to ao, and v, the "aohxveg" becomes "AOhxVeg". you don't need a specific amount of capital letters and you also don't need a specific amount of lowercase letters.

  • put [x] around the letter you relate to the most
  • put /x/ around the letter you relate to the second most

note: some people use |x| instead of [x]. 

there can only be one of each. say you relate the most to A and the second most to V, "AOhxVeg" becomes "[A]Ohx/V/eg".

your motives type will be [A]Ohx/V/eg or |A|Ohx/V/eg!

a very short (probably not extremely accurate since it's so short) test to see what your type is:

answer key = [left item is very me][left item is somewhat me][i'm in between][right item is somewhat me][right item is very me]

  1. I find getting attention rewarding. [M][m][x][a][A] Social status doesn't mean much to me.
  1. As soon as I'm not learning something, I change things up. [O][o][x][c][C] I usually avoid risky situations.
  1. I maintain my spaces in an orderly way. [T][t][x][h][H] I tend to live life without a plan.
  1. Short of putting myself in danger, I will help pretty much anyone, good or bad. [I][i][x][w][W] I don't live for others.
  1. I frequently feel pleasant emotions. [V][v][x][d][D] I am not in the mood for anything.
  1. I have a tranquil nature. [E][e][x][r][R] I rarely take it easy.
  1. Immigration should be controlled. [S][s][x][g][G] I am politically liberal.

note: you should trust your own typing over tests (especially if they're this short). if you typed yourself as, for example, AOhxVeg but this test says you're an aOhivEG, you're probably an AOhxVeg. your own judgement is more accurate than that of a test.

I hope this all made sense, if you have any questions please let me know!


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