So, I do some webcomics stuff. Not great, but it's fun. Chapter 4 of my webcomic Weapon & Monster is up! 25 pages of action! It was very fun to draw! Check it out at: or: » Continue Reading
So, I just watched the Finnish movie, HATCHING. Here is the trailer: I'm lucky enough to live in a city where a few movie theaters play foreign, indie, smaller movies. And if you're lucky enough to be near one of these theaters and they are playing Hatching, well I definitely recommend it. » Continue Reading
Just wanted to create a quick blog entry. I just created my SpaceHey profile due to news about a rich person buying another social website. So I decided to expand on other sites. E.A. Espino is a pen-name. It's not that far from my real-name, but E.A. Espino is not "somebody else". It is me, just a pen-name. I'm mainly work on my webcomics; my art sucks, but I have fun. They are: - Weapon & Mon... » Continue Reading