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He/Him - 18 - pfp is my saw collection

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Chain Saw vs Chainsaw

Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

does anyone know if there's a difference between chain saw and chainsaw ? i noticed that in the Texas Chainsaw series the only movie that separates chain and saw is the 1974 movie, everything after has it as one word. it's probably nothing and not a huge deal, just curious and haven't really seen it brought up anywhere else :p » Continue Reading

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my very small dvd/vhs collection

Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

Current DVDs Saw - 3 (unrated), 4 (unrated/directors cut), 6 (unrated/directors cut), 10, 1-7 4 disc collection (unrated), 1-8 5 disc collection (unrated) Re-Animator, Donnie Darko, Spider-Man ITSV, Into The Wild, The Princess Bride, The Iron Giant, The Goonies, TMNT 2012 complete series :3 Current VHS Saw 2004, The Lost Boys Wishlist every individual Saw dvd :3, Sam Raimi » Continue Reading

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the slasher genre

Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

this is solely my opinion !! i have seen quite a few people say that the slasher genre of horror is almost to far gone to bring back. this is something i 1000% disagree with. the earlier movies to be considered slashers had a very serious tone to them, like they all had an extremely similar feel. that was from like the late 60s to the early 90s. when scream 1996 came out, it had an extremely diffe... » Continue Reading

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Kandi !!1!1!!1!!!!

Category: Art and Photography

I miss making kandi sooo soosooososo much, I just haven't had any motivation or inspiration ig so I haven't made any in around a year. Here's some of my old pieces, I have a ton more, but I adore these ones :3 includes a gloomy bear bag, a rainbow rotating cuff (rainbowdash was inspo:3), kandi mask, rainbow/black 3d cuff, ball pit ball cuff, and a few peyote stitch stars :D » Continue Reading

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Movie Remakes

Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

I have seen so many things on both twitter and instagram talking about The Crow remake and the possible American Psycho remake. And like, I'm sorry, but do we really need or even want a remake of either ???? In my opinion, Christian Bale played the part perfectly fine, and same with Brandon Lee. I feel like right now the only thing we are seeing is remakes, and like I get it if the original movie ... » Continue Reading

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