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crazy zhit happened
Category: Religion and Philosophy
fuck man, i think i have had zome zort of a crazy zpirtual awakening. like, there iz no way thiz zhit juzt happened to happen that way. i think that happened for a reazon. dude, like, that fucking zong zpoke to me, it'z the reazon im fucking alive. thiz zhit'z crazy » Continue Reading
i did awful on my hiztory tezt
Category: Life
juzt wanted to zhare the fact i got 39% on my hiztory tezt : < < < < < if i fail idk what im gonna do bc i really dont want to do zummer zchool : < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < » Continue Reading
i chew zo much gum zomg
Category: Life
you would not believe how much gum i go through. can you chew too much gum? probably. i guezz itz better than chewing them inzide of my mouth tho. and when i zay a lot i mean yezterday morning i bought one of the big juicy fruit onez (i can ztand mint and they had a good deal for them) they've got 60 peicez, right? i'm half way through it already. i knew i zhould have bought more. i knew i zhould ... » Continue Reading
fuck teztz
Category: Life
you can azk me how wwii changed canadian zociety. i will draw you a picture of dirk ztrider. i am failing hiztory clazz, how could you tell? /s » Continue Reading
im gonna get in zhit
Category: Life
i drew a kitty cat on the blackboard in my hiztory clazz. he goez like :3 iz that ztupid? yea. iz it worth it? nope :D » Continue Reading
— 1 Kudos
Category: Life
i got called a little bitch by a quiz on that webbed zite "u quiz dot com" *criez* » Continue Reading
nonezenze and ramblez
Category: Life
choozing catagoriez iz bullzhit anywayz i enjoy publically pozting my nonzenze and ramblez zo yeah. i got that aegozexual zwag. i waz like "oh i'm aego" and then i waz like "no im allo" and now im back realizing i am aego i juzt get a little confuzed. zo.. yeah. alzo, waz dating zomeone, we broke up, but were ztill like, friendz, zo that'z nice. i'm reading lovelezz » Continue Reading