Just a big comp of all the stamps, blinkies, buttons, etc. that i use!! body { background-image: url("https://i.ibb.co/MC2gKDb/image-2024-09-23-003306261.png"); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-attachment: fixed; font-family: 'Georgia', serif; } .inner b { color: #f79c17 } nav .top { background-color: white; } nav .links { backgr... » Continue Reading
omg i have graduation in like 2 months and its just so unbelievable?? idk never rlly thought i'd make it here. its jst so weird?? idk like im not ready to be an adult,,,, » Continue Reading
OMG FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE SEEN IT- THERE MIGHT BE ANOTHER SEASON OF FIONNA AND CAKE!? me and my friend were looking at the soundtrack, and they changed it from the original one that was along the lines of "Fionna and Cake Soundtrack" or smth like that to "Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake- Season 1"??? I mean it might be a stretch but im literally PRAYING that we get anothet season. TT » Continue Reading
today :3 ———— OMG I WAS ACTUALLY PRETTY PRODUCTIVE TODAY?! I got so much work done despite being sick (T ^ T) I also got some letters of recommendation done for college and submitted some things for it !!;; I genuinely hope I get whatever this is soon bc its really messing up my senior year and i miss my friends so so much (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾ » Continue Reading
Expressing Myself I genuinely find it hard, as a non binary person to actually express myself. Ive been NB for about three years now and I thought that I FINALLY found out who I was. But when I look at myself all I see is a woman even though I dont feel like one. It’s hard because I do love being feminine and wearing make up; dressing up in skirts. But the constant purposeful mis gendering and de... » Continue Reading