I may sound like a spoiled ass child but I hate it when people tell me what to do mostly if they say "do it now. " Like I'm sorry but i have a big ass ego and I won't let anyone tell me what the fuck I should do and when I should do it I just had a fight with my stepdad and he waited for two hours for me to do what he wanted he was mad and I told him "next time I wouldn't do it if he talks to me l... » Continue Reading
I did it guys!!! I'm free! They weren't happy about the fact that I couldn't finish the whole work (I could've but I didn't want to so I took as much time as possible) but I don't really care XP now I'm sitting in the subway on my way home yippie yippie!!! » Continue Reading
Omg guy's I'm allowed to leave soon!!! :D only like 30minutes Right now I'm supposed to do the worst part of the job! And I hid in the toilet again lol XD I'm so happy I'm about to leave soon! I'll hide in the toilet for 10 minutes and then I'll go back so I don't need to do the even worse part!!! I know I'm so smart right? ;P I used to work here two years ago and also always hid on the toilet bec... » Continue Reading
Anyways I changed my mind I hate working here! >:( I got the worst job out of all the jobs and couldn't handle it I teared up and went to the toilet to take a "unofficial break" now I'm sitting on the toilet crying my eyes out because I couldn't handle the job I've gotten...and one of my colleagues made me feel like I'm too stupid for this!... Lucky me I get to go home 14:30pm : < I'd rather go ba... » Continue Reading
Guy's I'm currently working at darkstore Berlin! XP It's really fun even though I got a mental breakdown yesterday because I was way too late and then stayed home.... Let's just not talk about that haha XD I've been doing shit like sorting things and cleaning the store! My favorite colleague definitely is luca he's just so funny and cool!!! Also I get many sweets and energy drinks there! Break end... » Continue Reading
This week has been so painful!! My "best friend" didn't want any contact with me and I started drinking more again I can't do this anymore » Continue Reading
My day haz been pretty boring I woke up way too late and had to rush (I couldn't even style my hair 😢) and the rest of the day was full with school and therapy and workout training :'3 » Continue Reading