Here's the link to check it out! About The Group: To keep this group active, there will be weekly forum posts every Fred Durst Friday! These forum posts will ask subjective questio » Continue Reading
Pls only FQ if ur 15+!!! Dms r only open to ppl 17-20 yrs old btw. Also, I have a basic dni list but I'll list it anyways: No homophobes, transphobes, zionists, abelists, racists, terfs, pedos, pro-ana/mia/sh, Marilyn Manson & MSI fans (listeners r ok ig. » Continue Reading
Honestly Wes was so real for getting a tramp stamp of his (first ex) wife's name lol, it's kinda hard to see in the Woodstock recordings but it's there (all 5 pixels of it), but I found a clearer pic of it! Also, I think it's funny that Head, Jon, David, and Munky all agreed to get tramp stamps of the Korn logo. I'm not surprised that Fieldy didn't get one ofc (I HATE HI » Continue Reading
May 2nd: Sevendust and Static-X, ft. Dope This concert is like two weeks away and I'm sooo excited! This'll be my first concert of the year, and I hope I'll be able to see more of my favorite bands perform this yearā” The last concert I went to was Bush, and I was in the pit against the rail right in front of the mic...AND GAVIN BLEW ME A KISS I SWEAR TO GOD!!!! I have it on video, too! He also ser... » Continue Reading
So, I've been wearing 16g jewelry for a month and today I decided that my ears were ready to size up (it's just a 0.4mm difference), and the 14g plugs went right in! (I didn't use tapers ofc) It didn't hurt at all, and I'm so happy to be a little closer to my goal size of 4g :) Hopefully next month I'll be at 12g, but I don't wanna rush it ofc. Anyways that's it, bye! » Continue Reading