Someone didn't read my comment on this. So I'm proving that top blog posts are based ENTIRELY on number of views by making this post and slapping a ton of views on it. Please don't kudos, it's part of the proof. Edit: Best 40 minute waste of my time ever while too caffeinated. Already on page one of top entries. Final edit and result: One hour, mostly » Continue Reading
I realized I'm missing something here and decided to post blog entries again for pages on our website. One of my passions for years has been this ever growing list of current research being shared openly, trying to share from it with others, and encouraging people to learn from real-time progress in some form. We as a society should be focusing on a brighter future and the positive things going to... » Continue Reading
We've been hitting the subject of hyperspace pretty hard lately, looking for any software or even discussion on the subject. It's proving difficult with existing mentions being rare gems. Check out the list we've acquired so far for (mostly) games and platforms they are available on by clicking the image below, which links directly to our site. » Continue Reading
I'm working on a page with Halloween themes for this year for those who love the aesthetics and want ideas, and want to add a game page and what they're available on. Survival horror is cool and all, but games like Silent Hill and Resident Evil are a bit cliche and don't really fit the imagery I'm aiming for. Either games with an actual Halloween theme or are over the top with dark theme » Continue Reading