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"back to work :("

millenial losing touch with current pop culture

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flow at home

Category: Blogging

I'm a software engineer. I find it necessary to be in flow (aka being in the zone) to get any meaningful work done. I can get menial tasks done while mildly distracted, such as during certain meetings, or while getting lunch ready. But to get real work done, I need a stretch of time. The first 15-30 minutes are for me to gradually narrow my focus down to what I need to do. The next 30 minutes are ... » Continue Reading

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end doom scrolling

Category: Web, HTML, Tech

Doom scrolling is the worst. Until recently it was something that I had been able to avoid for the most part - in part by not participating much on social media. The notable exception being Reddit, which I primarily used for memes and discussion on movies and TV shows. I also didn't watch traditional cable TV, like most of my generation, so I was able to stay away from the constant bad news (thoug... » Continue Reading

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changing spacehey colors in HTML

Category: Blogging

while I appreciate the old school GeoCities approach with GIFs everywhere (and my myspace used to look like that), now I prefer a simpler, minimal look. the bare minimum CSS you need to change to change your color palette is below, using my colors as an example: /* background of the page (i.e. left and right of your profile) */ body {   background-color: #111; } » Continue Reading

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it's just a genre!

Category: Blogging

for some reason spacehey thinks that d3ath is a swear word. can't even type in "melodic d3ath metal" as a genre i like! i can't remember if that's something myspace used to do, but i'm pretty sure it's not » Continue Reading

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