alok's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

changing spacehey colors in HTML

while I appreciate the old school GeoCities approach with GIFs everywhere (and my myspace used to look like that), now I prefer a simpler, minimal look. the bare minimum CSS you need to change to change your color palette is below, using my colors as an example:

/* background of the page (i.e. left and right of your profile) */
body {
  background-color: #111;

/* your profile itself. main does not encompass the header/footer, which I prefer to leave alone */
main {
  background-color: #333;
  color: #ccc;

/* links within main. --green is a variable from spacehey's own CSS */
main a {
  color: var(--green);

/* color/style of borders around tables on the left */
.profile .contact, .profile .table-section, .profile .url-info {
  border: 1px solid #111;

/* colors for the table headings on the left */
.profile .contact .heading, .profile .table-section .heading, .home-actions .heading {
  background-color: #444;
  color: #bbb;

/* colors for table cell background (by default spacehey has a separate color for :first-child) */
.profile .table-section .details-table td {
  background-color: #333;
  color: #ccc;

/* headings on the right */
.profile .blurbs .heading, .profile .friends .heading {
  background-color: #444;
  color: #bbb;

Add this to any one of your profile items.

Edit: Add this for friends' comments I didn't have any at first (womp womp)!

.profile .friends .comments-table td {
  background-color: #333;

200 Kudos


Displaying 20 of 37 comments ( View all | Add Comment )

kris🛼 [autoplay]

kris🛼 [autoplay]'s profile picture

when i try 2 paste in it won’t work erm

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Claraa_owo's profile picture

does anybody know how to change the color of the border of comment replies? mines white

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lovtaste's profile picture

cant tell if ur still active but which one is for the header? i cnt tell >n<

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⟡Ziggy's profile picture

Thanks for the codes!!

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vcntiqs's profile picture

thx for this!! super helpful

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BluMndy's profile picture

can someone do that in hex color codes?

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are u fucking stupid?

by Charlie Giggletits; ; Report

"Be nice."

by ⟡Ziggy; ; Report

Why is everyone on this site so hostile??

by Fritoleg; ; Report


by teneisenki_pro; ; Report

objectshow fan

by animatic (luna); ; Report

Alex the bat

Alex the bat's profile picture

Thanks a lot
But can someone tell me how to add borders to text?

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Idk if you still need this but you can write "text-shadow: 0 0 0px #your color in hex code;" without the quotations inside the { } of your selector. The first two 0's are for position and the 0px is for how big you want the shadow. 0px or 1px should look like a border rather than a shadow. For example: main {text-shadow 0 0 1px #FFB233;} I highly recommend this site for further information Hope this helps!

by xX_Σοφία Αβελέιρα_Xx; ; Report

text-shadow: *

by xX_Σοφία Αβελέιρα_Xx; ; Report

Omg thanks

by Alex the bat; ; Report


Egg/Jax's profile picture

is there a way to have 2 different colors on the left backround color?? as in one color on the top section and another color for the tables section?

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angelstar_ii's profile picture

i haven't figured out how to color the red text on my page (blurbs, friends, etc). send help TT

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did u ever figure it out omg

by Sage; ; Report

i did it SOMEHOW. i still dont know what bit of code made that work

by angelstar_ii; ; Report

if u find out what code it is pls tell me :sob:

by kitty; ; Report

Dude i think i found out ok

:root {
--darker-blue: purple;
--lighter-blue: black;
--even-lighter-blue: ;
--lightest-blue: ;
--dark-orange: black;
--light-orange: black;
--even-lighter-orange: black;
--green: pink;

So....The words in front of the colons (":") Keep them, these are the colors of the og format. colors. Now the red words on the blurbs is "dark-orange" You want to change that. Now the colors i have are the words AFTER the colons (":") NOT BEFORE. KEEP THE ONES BEFORE "--____" Change the ones AFTER, or just the red words for the "about me" so Ex: "--dark-orange: blue;" THERE YA GO IM NOT GOOD AT EXPLAINING SO YOU CAN SHOOT ME A RLPY ILL TRY TO EXPLAIN MORE :P

by torb; ; Report

please someone help me with this i cant find any working code D:

by str8tovideo; ; Report


by diana ₊ ⊹; ; Report


VROWSA !!'s profile picture

would there be a way to change the color of the interests table to a gif or image ???

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maybe try making it transparent?? and then the background image would show through? idk tho LOLZ

by marzwuzhere; ; Report

i changed the background from "background-color:" to "background: url("link here");

by vivi; ; Report


Primrose's profile picture


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by aoife☆; ; Report


kibbles's profile picture

is there a way to change the color of the online symbol?

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goob's profile picture

how would you change the opacity of a background color for the profile?

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N0ЯA's profile picture

thank you for sharing ^_^

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ghostie's profile picture

finally something works, thank you so much

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meg's profile picture

thank you so much for this!!!

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CANDY💌's profile picture

this is so useful i could hug u !!!!

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jackie's profile picture

thank yewwww

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Mo <3

Mo <3's profile picture

thank u

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danimals's profile picture

I have tried many different commands but haven't been able to change the background where you type stuff. The second-largest under you're text.

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