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"Losing my mind"

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Category: Blogging

okay so if you are stalking my bulletins you would know that i am going to a punk show today. WELL im making a vest, its a pain in the ass and is hard to work with but i love doing crafty things so much that this is my dream!  » Continue Reading

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school :/

Category: Blogging

okay so like, i love my school, its my fav place and everything. However i am so tired, i am kinda sick, i am wanting to stay home. My friends are so cool though, and im already behind in a lot of my classes :/ » Continue Reading

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UGHHHH a vent blog

Category: Blogging

Okay guys this one is going to be a long one so hold on tight. Okay basically i went to the mental hospital a few weeks ago. It wasn't for me hurting myself or wanting to kms or anything though. Anywhosies, i get home from the ward and my mother, we will call her J, TAKES ALL MY ELECTRONICS. I understand if i was like unsafe and thats why i went to the hospital and got my things taken. However tha... » Continue Reading

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at skool

Category: Blogging

meow i haven't been bringing my laptop with me places, but now i am doing just that and being offputting and emo online at school!  » Continue Reading

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taking care of myself

Category: Blogging

i have just realized that i am pretty much taking care of my self. I mean sure i dont pay rent and i dont pay for food, but i get myself places, i pay my own medical bills, im taking care of myself more than some adults out there and thats a little scary. Also ive been learning the bus system to make sure i can get places » Continue Reading

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keeping myself afloat (vent)

Category: Blogging

okay so like, im not doing bad, in fact im doing pretty good, i keep myself and my space clean, im trying to do the right things, im trying to make sure everything is going smoothly here and at school and with all my people and with myself and its like, im doing great. I feel horrible. I feel so bad all the time just being filled with rage about my trauma and shit. I never wanted to be angry, i ne... » Continue Reading

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school bake sale

Category: Blogging

okay so last week a few friends and i made a bunch of baked goods for school, well now we are down to the last day and we still have to make a few more things BUT NO ONE WANTS TO HELP SO ITS JUST ME BAKING FOR LIKE 3 HOURS BY MYSELF RAHHGHGHGHG » Continue Reading

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Category: Blogging

okay lets get this out of the way first, i love my school with all i am. My school is my favorite place of all time and i will never be able to say its not.  On that note, ive been away from school for a bit, ive been working on my missing work, even though im super behind, the current stuff is too easy for me? I may sound like a nerd but i dont care! I find a lot of school very easy but a lot of ... » Continue Reading

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cruel and unjust punishment

Category: Blogging

Hello my internet people. I am currently being held against my will (im not 18 yet so i cant just leave) I am also being punished very cruelly (its more than justified) IM VERY UPSET ABOUT THE STATE OF THE WORLD. HOW COULD IT HAVE COME TO THIS?!  » Continue Reading

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losing wifi

Category: Blogging

Im posting a bulletin about this too so if you see both no you didnt!  I will not have wifi for a good long while (about a week) i promise im not ignoring you im just poor. Anyways, take care friends!  » Continue Reading

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sicky boy

Category: Blogging

Im actually so tired, my head is pounding, my stomach is churning, every time i stand up my vision goes black and i get wobbly, im in so much pain, just everywhere, and i just want to sleep, but no i hurt too bad to even do that :c » Continue Reading

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4 am

Category: Blogging

is it 4.56 am? yea, it is, however i would rather be sitting here, shivering, waiting for my heater to warm up the cave i reside in, than close my eyes and see whatever it is i was dreaming about this time. If I could sleep for once without seeing all the worst times of my life i would do nothing but sleep, but since im here, alone in my head, seeing all the pain ive known, I cannot close my eyes.... » Continue Reading

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