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"chilling!! owo"

14!! ze/it/he xoxo

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My favourite perzon <33

Category: Romance and Relationships

Heloooo i'm feeling VERY bored at the moment SOO i thought of updating thiz!! There'z thiz one perzon... my bf!!  I luv him sosoSO much that evry time i hang out with that lil dummy i feel all fuzzy and warm inzide. He'z so swag, fun, loving and AWSUM!! And don't even get me started on that pretty face of hiz AAAHHH >w < !! Makez me blush evn thinking abt him heh o///o ! Tomorrowz i'll get to see ... » Continue Reading

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Category: Life

Tuezdayz are literally the WORZT !!! Nothing good EVR happenz on them, i'm alwayz SOOOOO drained and my family juzt DECIDEZ to suck more azzz on them >o < Pluz, i have french on tuezdayz which is NEVR gud, i don't underztanddddddd :// Liek the only gud part abt tuezdays iz hangin out w friendz and PE. I wouldn't liek PE if it weren't for my teacher tho xP Anywayzz, bac » Continue Reading

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Firzt blog, EVR!!

Category: SpaceHey

Damn, i've NEEVER had a blog before, thiz seemz fun!!   I probz wooooon't be updatin' thiz that much bcoz i uzually juzt don't know what to write but i'll make sure to vizit thiz place once in a while!   Anywayz, have a cat! » Continue Reading

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