It's literally 3:10 am, and I've spent all night on here. This is certainly like myspace, because I did this all the time back then too. It's a wonder I graduated high school, lmao. » Continue Reading
I apparently need to post all my photos I want to add in blogs and bulletins to pinterest to get them on here. SO that is going to be fun :))))))) » Continue Reading
Is it bad that I am like, super jealous of 14 year old mes eyebrows?? Like they were perfect in shape, and now I have to wax and or pluck them into the right shape, is it a getting old thing? Because I don't like it lmao » Continue Reading
Ever since finding this site last night, I've been reliving and listening to all the music I use to listen to when I was on myspace, and gods am I reliving some of my happiest years ever. I miss this so much. I love this format, nothing like facebook, no politics, just good old blogs and bulletins. I really love this, and I hope this goes well! » Continue Reading
Does anyone remember those old playlist that we use to make and put on our myspace accounts? Is there a way for anyone to make those again? Or are they still around? Because I would love the shit out of those, like no joke. » Continue Reading