Ten Q&A's
Category: Blogging
1. Look up from your screen, what's the first thing you see? My reflection from a plastiglass in my » Continue Reading
I'm mexican border town of Juarez, next to El Paso, TX.
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Category: Blogging
1. Look up from your screen, what's the first thing you see? My reflection from a plastiglass in my » Continue Reading
Category: Life
First let me start by saying I was born in 1981, so yeah I'm now considered to be old by many. I got married in 2014 divorced by 2015 some can relate to the pain someone goes through when you don't see any indication that this was bound to happen. I've been ready for about a year to start something with somebody, but I've noticed that I'm not either the average Joe or the Weird Guy with some speci... » Continue Reading