Moon Child

"smxking "
**✿❀ ❀✿**U can call me Moon **✿❀ ❀✿**
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just yappn
Category: Writing and Poetry
JUST TALKING TO MYSELF also excuse my terrible spelling/gramar Theres someone that always tests you sometimes they wont be fair but will you decide to look at the face of darkness or will you keep taking the tests they throw at you instead of focussing on the bad things why not try focussing on every little thing thats good eve » Continue Reading
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another living day without you
Category: Romance and Relationships
Dear, HIM Every morning i wake up and the fist thought is you, even my dry mouth lingers with the sound of your name. i wonder if the reson behind you always lingering in my thought is because im in yours too. either that or im actually going insane.... loving is a great thing yet i feel like the more i love the more i get blinded and stop focusing on the wonders of the universe but you ... you te... » Continue Reading