Forget to update on the hair... lets just say im ready for st patricks day. FUCK DEM HOES WHO TRIED TO TELL ME CAPTAIN AMERICA WAS GON BE BAD IT WAS GOOD... see yall for thunderbolts* errrr oh think i did good for accounting that exam wasnt too bad but never put numbers in my face again oml ToT » Continue Reading
I have never crashed out so bad over a homework and quiz assignment b4 this is actually humiliating T-T HOW TF DO YOU LOG THESE DAMN ACCOUNTS I SWEAR THIS PROFESSOR IS TRYING TO KILL ME WITH NUMBERS AND MADE UP CURRENCY CAN WE GO BACK TO TRADING BREAD AND FERTILIZER OR SOME SHIT RAAAAAAAA (this shit took my overall grade to a 58) Im gonna need a tutor or something cuz my lord. and wtf is deprica... » Continue Reading
FIRST RAMBLE :3 (everything about the english language will be out the window) Omfg so I'm a note taker for my class and this shit is genuinely so energy draining like look at my ass just sitting here and typing bs instead ToT anywayysssss was supposed to be at a par » Continue Reading