I've been thinking about coming out as transgender for a while now, but I'm really scared. a.) My parents (as I've mentioned recently) and family are transpobic and homophobic. b.) I can't transition (besides my name and pronouns) until I move out on my own. So that means I can't get T, a binder, or a haircut for a few years (37 months.) c.) Considering how the government is and what they're doing... » Continue Reading
i want people to look at me in public and have an inner conflict trying to decide if I'm a guy or a girl Like, god, WHY am i A WOMAN? I love women, but i don't want to be one. I want to be a cute lil silly trans guy and be attracted to women the way these silly little bisexual cis guys are like tf?? I DONT UNDERSTAND AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA But seriously, women are SO FINE BRO LIKE WTF??? WHY ARE YALL... » Continue Reading
Why why why do I have to be stuck in a toxic conservative christain household?? (No offense to anyone if you are christain, but my family sucks.) So, basically, I'm lesbian and genderqueer. And, of course, WHOLE FAMILY is homophobic/transphobic. And, my father is the type of person who reminds both me and my younger sister that "You girls need to grow up and get a husband a raise a family" or "wo... » Continue Reading