"We are lost." I say to the followers who I've led for years. 15 to be exact. "But ma'am we trusted you, you said you knew the way!" they all shout and curse in unison, their eyes full of hate. "Fine then I give up! You have all cursed my name and doubted my journey yet, I stayed for so long all the while you bewildered me." They all yell, and scream. Most wondering what shall happen now. I did l... » Continue Reading
What happens when the leaves fall and the animals that once hid behind them, are no longer hid? What happens when the leaves come back? Do they hide once more? Sometimes I wish that those leaves never fell. I could hide forever and stay lost. Instead of being found. Lost. Forever. Lost. » Continue Reading
Having someone who understands you is so important. Its odd at first and mostly awkward but, if they can stay and watch you even in your ugliest form and still stay. They should and could be worthy of your understanding back. Of course this will never always be right. New poem on Sunday have a good weekend friends! » Continue Reading
I really like to smell the flowers, the petals glow in the sweet summer sun. But how long will they glow? How long will that scent stay. When the cold breeze arrives, in fact everything dies. For when the spring rolls around again the flowers show their pretty heads, and I indulge in that sweet scent once again. » Continue Reading
Does anyone ever feel underappreciated for what they contribute? I won state in poetry (Although accidently) I feel as if the response I got was cool and when I expressed that I wanted to be a poet I was just met with "How will being a poet put food on the table?". Parents suck sometimes I suppose. Alright ill make another poem on Saturday! Goodbye everyone! » Continue Reading
This will be my first ever poem! well since awhile ago. Please give constructive criticism. Once in forever the sun begins to shine, when the chance shows we all run and hide. If we all missed the day the sun shines, why do we care when we are bitten in the behind? We weep and cry and ignore the rays, while the sun shines all day. For every chance we ignore the sun, We get closer to ending somethi... » Continue Reading