Does anyone ever feel underappreciated for what they contribute? I won state in poetry (Although accidently) I feel as if the response I got was cool and when I expressed that I wanted to be a poet I was just met with "How will being a poet put food on the table?". Parents suck sometimes I suppose. Alright ill make another poem on Saturday! Goodbye everyone!

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I don't think you "won accidently"!! your poems are awesome and are even getting better!!!! dont listen to what your parents have to say! what matters is what you think you want to do and what you find enjoyable. Other peoples opinions don't control you life, and it doesn't matter what they think, no matter what someone will appreciate u!!!!
idk u but I think that it's literally so cool that you won a competition like !!!!!!! thats literally so awesome!!!!! Dont listen to the haters they just dont get ur style tbh :P also theres a lot of poets who do good in that field and have money. creative writing is a kinda big industry u know. Claiming it as not a job is just ignoring that authors exist in the first place lol lol. DONT listen 2 ur detractors they are fools!! If you won something that means you did amazing and dont let the haters take away ur success <3 Keep writing and being as awesome as you are!! <3 <3 <3
Idk how you won "accidently" but I read the poem you posted on your blog, and I can guess that you totally deserved the win! Parents can be aggravating at times especially when it comes to there children's futures cause, usually, all they want is the best for their future. I do not know your parents, but to me when a parent says that phrase they are just worried for you and end up saying the wrong thing. They think so much of your future they forget to appreciate the moment with you. Don't let their thinking deter you from doing what you enjoy though! Work towards your goal of being a poet while having a back-up plan, it's not impossible. You got this!