Hi!! Just wanted to ask out there, are there any other cheap places to shop that aren't Temu or Shein? this is a very bad confession but i always shop on those websites and apps because of how cheap it is. and i want to try turn away from those places and find somewhere else more ethical(and cheap). this would be very helpful please! » Continue Reading
bruh, i've been studying for exams i'm gonna have in a few months, bro 💀. i'm lowkey done for, and i've been going to these revision lessons the teachers don't even show up sometimes so its basically just f all at this point. in maths aswell. this may sound stupid but circle theorems and exact trig values in non calc exams will be the death of me ESPESCIALLY IERATIONS ISTG. i know this is probably... » Continue Reading
HELLO! I'm Ash (not my real name) , I am a Filipino student living in the UK. TBH this blog is lowkey might just be rants, I will not be consistently active on here, there will probably be times where I would probably just completely forget the website entirely 💀. Well, this is my page. » Continue Reading