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Category: Life

revision sucks

bruh, i've been studying for exams i'm gonna have in a few months, broΒ πŸ’€. i'm lowkey done for, and i've been going to these revision lessons the teachers don't even show up sometimes so its basically just f all at this point. in maths aswell. this may sound stupid but circle theorems and exact trig values in non calc exams will be the death of me ESPESCIALLY IERATIONS ISTG. i know this is probably easy for a lot of people but damn i'm just an idiot irlΒ πŸ™. and my math teacher, bless thier heart theyre one of the good teachers, but DAMN WE HAVEN'T EVEN FINISHED THE WHOLE SYLABUS YET WHEN ALL THE OTHER CLASSES ARE ALREADY DONE AND ARE NOW DOING EXAM PREPARATION. and don't even get me started on physics, i still don't understand how it is one of my strongest subjects but damn, my teacher actually hates me, EVERY SINGLE TIME i i even shift in my seat or my posture isn't straight THRYE BREATHING DOWN MY BACK LIKE DAMN let me breathe. but wtv its aight ig.

bye :P

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baldeowo._'s profile picture

Thats terrible and I agree with u lol. I hate math, physics, everything related to numbers istg, I never had the opportunity to really improve my skills on that and it sucks!! I also find my math teacher really cool and adorable but she always tried to make us understand all the types of calculations possible before the exams like we would remember all of them lmao. I graduated on high school some months ago and this moments keep hunting me!!

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omg someone relatable :>> btw congrats on graduating!!

by azhhzj; ; Report


Question-Z's profile picture

don't worry your doing better than me i got a 0.5/10 there where 5 questions

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atleast they gave half a point??

by azhhzj; ; Report