post whatever you want online, but shut the fuck up when it comes to speaking in real life. i understand that we all live thinking we're the main character, but that doesn't mean you have to be loud and state your unwanted opinion every 3 seconds. i keep to myself when it comes to speaking irl, but i post whatever i want because people have the choice to either click away or stay. we aren't able t... » Continue Reading
people always pretend like they're so empathetic and so selfless but it's all bs. we are naturally born with selfishness and we need to realize it. most people, even if they don't realize it, they don't do nice things to others to make them happy but to make themselves happy--no matter if that happyness comes from feeling nice, or feeling like a good person. no one truly does anything for someone ... » Continue Reading
magic isn't real, god isn't real. even if he was, how can you like someone who sends someone to eternal hell for not believing in them? that's all bs, +religious people are the easiest people to manipulate (proven by the amount of cults that use "god" as a reason for everything) » Continue Reading