Written Date (dd/mm/yy): 05/01/25 Published Date (dd/mm/yy): 05/01/25 Author: Malingen Hello everyone, A quick PSA if any of you are interested in customizing your profile: Don't use the :root { style } in your element. The :root { style } CSS modifier only changes the primary co » Continue Reading
Author: Malingen Writing Date (dd/mm/yy): 03/01/25 Published Date (dd/mm/yy): 03/01/25 A while ago I had a fairly lengthy argument with someone who claimed that the quest VR headsets (e.g. the quest 2/3/3s) are a "scam" due to their under-powered hardware and their different market for games that meet these hardware limitations. They claimed that: You can "buy a PCVR-ready PC for the same price as... » Continue Reading