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Category: Games
Thank you for clicking on this small Blog entery about the cutest Pokèmon (imo) !! EVERY SATURDAY IZ SANDSHREW SATURDAY!!! » Continue Reading
"between sleep and being awake"
He/Him • 18 • German
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— 1 Kudos
Category: Games
Thank you for clicking on this small Blog entery about the cutest Pokèmon (imo) !! EVERY SATURDAY IZ SANDSHREW SATURDAY!!! » Continue Reading
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
Uhm this is my second blog, not sure if I am doing this right.. I joined only yesterday but I am thinking abt putting actual work into my acc and re-making my profile!1! So- I reaaally want your honest opinion abt my profile page. It is currently made up of code I found on diffrent blogs here.. but I am working on making a list of what to do :3 (So basically I only coded my blinkies myself) So sh... » Continue Reading
Category: Friends
I reeeally wanna be more active on here, it´s why I made a new acc.. Incase anyone knows me from my previous one. I´m Gen Z but I would be fine with Gen Alpha friends (because I see more people from that Generation on here). Not gonna assume to get the biggest traction on this Entry but I can at least try and build friendships on here. I am thinking about po » Continue Reading