This is my now third week of winter break, I have like almost two weeks before I have to go back to college and somehow I've gotten some things and nothing done at the same time. I told myself we're going to clean my room. re-organize it. get our bills and extra life demands in order before the new year and here I am still in bed at 12PM in the afternoon and only one of those tasks has been done ... » Continue Reading
Umm.. So it's absurdly early in the morning right now. 4:43 A: M to be exact as I write this. But I just cannot believe I got off of work at 9:30P.M, came home, fed myself, and took a shower. And somehow was able to finish one written final while watching both Twilight and New Moon through the whole thing... I can't fall asleep now and now I'm worried I've sabotaged my whole sleep schedule for t... » Continue Reading
Sooo I finally decided to join in on the chaos lol. Hi I'm Mari (She/her) I'm currently 18 and a freshman in college! You'll find most of my interests on my profile which I just worked SUPER HARD trying to learn how y'all customize everything on here for the past hour... So do me the huge favor of pls going to check it out, maybe friend me if u like what you see! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ But for a quick overvi... » Continue Reading