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"Wanting to move out. Stupid fucking room-mates."

USA, Age: 27. But I never grew out of my scene phase, apparently.

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Mood: Pissed.

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1 Comment— 6 Kudos

So about me not being home...

Category: Blogging

SYKE! I came home a couple hours ago, plans changed a bit but I had fun while I was out, had a delicious lunch at Wendy's, had chinese food for dinner. etc etc. That aside, since I'm here, I may as well post another blog! It's what everyone's been waiting for right? .... :)   Jokes aside, I'm not really here to blab about anything in specific this time, sorta just yapping in general. I'm in a voic... » Continue Reading

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1 Comment— 4 Kudos

I'm loving this site.

Category: Blogging

Howdy! I'm going to a friend's house tomorrow, gonna stay over for a day or two. It helps my anxiety and constant worrying to just- get away from home sometimes. So, starting tomorrow I'll be away for a day or two. So here's a blog to help tide you over until I get back!  (wait...you weren't waiting with baited breath for my next post?) Oh well! So, hey there! I wanted to gush a bit about Spacehey... » Continue Reading

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Remember Gaia Online?

Category: Blogging

Hey again! I feel like, considering the kind of people that use this site are most likely nostalgic for the old-internet, there's a decent chance some of you were on Gaia Online back in the day. If you never were, you really missed out, man. It was sort of like this dress-up socializing anime game? There were 'towns' where just about everyone would hang out at. People would just sit down under tre... » Continue Reading

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Hey again!

Category: Blogging

Blog #2, baybeee. Profile viewing on here is so fun. It's kinda how I felt when scrolling through neocities (which I highly suggest looking at if you haven't.) Though it also makes me a bit jealous, I spent about a month trying to learn HTML and CSS, never really could. So I can't TRULY make my profile look how I'd like, but I can at least go for an aesthetic I like! At first, my profile was a lot... » Continue Reading

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— 1 Kudos

Hey, space!

Category: Blogging

Hello, everyone! I'm obviously new here, and my profile is prolly a mess, but honestly things being a beautiful mess is what I love and miss about the old days of the internet. So there might be lots of stuff floating around or moving pictures or whatever but, that's part of the charm, to me. I'll make this first post brief but I plan to post here every so often just for fun, about whatever's on m... » Continue Reading

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