I came home a couple hours ago, plans changed a bit but I had fun while I was out, had a delicious lunch at Wendy's, had chinese food for dinner. etc etc. That aside, since I'm here, I may as well post another blog! It's what everyone's been waiting for right? .... :)
Jokes aside, I'm not really here to blab about anything in specific this time, sorta just yapping in general. I'm in a voice chat with a couple of friends as I type this, waiting on Marvel Rivals to finish patching (I have a problem.) ...I could gush about Sonic! I might do that, just for a bit. (I'm literally typing the words as they come to my head, it probably shows.)
Actually, nah, not this time. If I gush about sonic I'll want to REALLY gush, and this is just a short lil blog since I felt like it while waiting on something else. I think I'll touch on a topic that's been on my mind lately. That being; empathy. To be specific...I just can't imagine why there isn't more of it in the world. And some people REALLY piss me off, the 'sore winners' of the world, or people who just want to make others angry, just because. Like- they derive enjoyment from making someone else feel negatively. I don't understand that at all, why doesn't it bring you joy to make someone HAPPY. Why can't people kind? I understand sometimes you're in a bad mood, but... when someone hasn't at all done something to provoke you, why be hostile? Why insult?
In a lot of online pvp games, you've prolly had someone say "Ez" to you. Or try to tell you that you suck or you're awful or etc etc etc. It's happened to me many times, I see it happen to other people all the time too. What really gets me is, why? From any angle I look at it, it doesn't make sense to me.
- If you're insulting a team mate or telling them they suck or they're doing bad, it doesn't help you. It won't inspire them to do better, it won't make them suddenly realize 'oh okay! I'll do good now', and suddenly start winning. (And to be honest, most people who do this are doing bad themselves. But they'll never admit that part.)
- If you're saying "Ez" or "gg ya'll suck" (that one just happened to me in Rivals earlier lol) to the enemy after you beat them...what does that do for you? If they were talking shit beforehand, I get it. You want to dish it back, I support that a ton. But why do that unprompted? When no one was being mean, or starting shit, or anything? Does it bring you joy? Why?
Making people happy, seeing them smile, knowing I helped make someone's day better...THAT is what brings me joy. When I've played games like Overwatch, League of Legends, TF2, etc, where everyone was just chillin'? Having fun, being nice, respectful, just goofing, playing the game, and having a good time? That's WAAAAY more fun than any insulting or toxicity spewing or anything like that. It's fun to...have fun. It's fun to play with others, enjoy the company of others who enjoy the same game as you. etc etc etc.
This extends beyond video games too, to more dark and awful topics. There are people art there who manipulate, hurt, or even KILL others, because they WANT to. They ENJOY it. Those people are psychopaths, of course, and not on the same level of someone calling you trash in a video game, but it still circles back around to empathy, and the depressing lack of it in humanity as of lately. ...In all honesty, it makes me sad. I don't understand it. I start feeling tears in my eyes the moment I see anyone else cry, even strangers. I hate seeing people upset. Why would anyone enjoy inflicting pain? Why would you enjoy causing sadness, or anger? Why would you enjoy taking someone's life?
Fact of the matter is... I don't know. I never will. I don't understand those kinds of people, and part of me wants to. Maybe I could tap into that side of them, and know what to say to diffuse them. Well, maybe not insane maniacs like I was just talking about, but at least the people who bully their classmates, or harass people online over a video game, things like that.
Please be nice to others. Hell, you don't even have to be nice, just, don't say anything, if you don't wanna be nice. Being mean, being hurtful, insulting, harassing someone? It takes up energy, it takes up time. You could be doing anything else more productive for the people around you, and more beneficial for you, as a person.
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🐰🥩 Jay
I agree with so much that you said in this post, I do wanna try and kinda answer this question.
The thing about anger and pain is that they're almost addictive on a psychological level. Not to mention anger is an emotion that exists to protect people from danger, which translates in modern times using anger as a way to protect yourself from emotional pain. Which means when people lash out unprompted, it's usually because they feel emotionally attacked by something - and that feeling isn't always connected to what happens in reality, but how the person feels about said reality. Taking your specific example of gaming, they might take it as a personal attack when a teammate is underperforming, maybe feeling like "this person is not pulling their weight/ not playing how I want them to - do I mean nothing to them?" and take it as a personal sleight. And since anger makes people feel rightful in what they do, because it is one of the emotions used to protect people, it gives a boost of dopamine in the brain - and different types of addictions are usually characterized by having a substance or action create a spike of dopamine. But the brain cannot give such spikes of dopamine every single time, so after a period of time these spikes go lower than the previous ones, making the person crave this action more and more. Which can start off just cussing people off in a game, and can grow (not always) to much more drastic acts of anger - like physical violence.
I also do want to touch on the little notion of empathy - empathy in psychology means that you feel a reflection of what someone else may feel and it's a spectrum, starting from feeling nothing (ex. ASPD) to feeling what another person feels as if it's happening to you (ex. Mirror Touch Synthesia). But just because a person can feel what someone else feels doesn't mean they'll be kind, and vise versa. I think the word here that fits much better is compassion, which not only is much closer related to feeling of kindness, but it's something a person chooses to be regardless if they understand the pain of others or not. (I've met people who have empathy, their body even reacts to it like the average person, but because they're so miserable and self hating they would hurt people on purpose to feel it themselves and create a cycle where they keep hating themselves because they hurt people)
And honestly I'm glad you're unable to relate to such people - I love seeing how positive and compassionate you are toward people, I wish more people were able to shine with positivity as much as you do!
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jfc I should go back to writing novels because wtf is this
by 🐰🥩 Jay; ; Report
Honestly, it's hard to say. I find it so hard to believe that someone who experiences hurt regularly, or is so miserable like that, would want to inflict it on others. But I know it's definitely more than possible.
I also didn't know there was a word for the sensation of feeling other people's emotions so strongly, thanks for teaching me that!
And thanks for saying that about me, I don't like to speak so highly of myself but I'm glad I come off that way here, at least
by Yammers; ; Report