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I want to start a comic
Category: Writing and Poetry
Recently i've been wanting to start writing a comic but I dont know where to start » Continue Reading
fun and young
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Category: Writing and Poetry
Recently i've been wanting to start writing a comic but I dont know where to start » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
Recently, I've noticed that school is taking a toll on my motivation to make art pieces. Drawing is starting to feel like a chore and I'm starting to make less drawing than what I used to in the summer times. The schoolwork is becoming heavier and I'm starting to experience more art block than usual and I'm not enjoying this. Hopefully this can all change, and I can finally get out of art block an... » Continue Reading
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Category: Books and Stories
Does anyone on this site have good book recommendations? I Want a book that has a fun interesting storyline. I would also like some books with a bittersweet storyline or phycological horror type of storyline. Thx \(^_^)/ » Continue Reading
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