Since i've got literally nothing else to do for Halloween this year i'll just plop down this Halloween story i recite basically every year to anyone who doesn't know about it yet. :p So back when i was like 10 or so years old, maybe younger maybe older, i wanted to go out trick or treating, only problem was... I had no one to go with, all of my friends were away, my mother was sick and going alone... » Continue Reading
Ok so i have decided to get on estrogen when i can!! I honestly do still kind of doubt that i am a trans girl, i consider myself to probably be like a girlboy (Dingstorm reference :P) but that doesn't mean i can't have some titties!!!! XPPP I am going to continue being a girl for the time being though, mostly just to get used to that part of me. That's all really, love you all!!! » Continue Reading
I'm cold and sick all the time, and going to school makes it worse. :,c I love Winter but it's really not treating me well right now... Why does the heater have to be broken!!! >Xc Anyway i think i'll include a cool song with everyone one of these blog posts starting from now because :PPP See you friends, love you all!! *a cheek kiss for all of you » Continue Reading