So I have many apps I enjoy and like to use!! I will talk about most of them here!! Wiccan - this is a social media app for witches of all kinds!! I wont share my info necause this spacehey is anonymous but it has many people to talk to about many things and life paths!! I highly recommend and they have sister apps that are great!! Tarot apps - I have a few that I enjoy, Lunar tarot, fairies tar... » Continue Reading
Today I will be discussing Samhain as it is approaching! Samhain is october 31st to november 1st depending on how you practice it is normally from sunset to sunset. It is an end of the harvest festival with gaelic origins that is celebrated by most witches and is on the witches wheel. It is kind of like the witches new year to most wiccans and pagans alike. It is also often believed to be when the... » Continue Reading
I often pray before eating and the prayer can vary depending on my mood, my meal, and who I am with. However the most common I use is below. " I thank The Great Lady and The Great Lord for this meal I am receiving today. Thank you for nourishing me and helping me in my life on a daily basis. I praise you and both and thank thee for this meal So mote it be. " This is my personal » Continue Reading