Today I will be discussing Samhain as it is approaching!
Samhain is october 31st to november 1st depending on how you practice it is normally from sunset to sunset. It is an end of the harvest festival with gaelic origins that is celebrated by most witches and is on the witches wheel. It is kind of like the witches new year to most wiccans and pagans alike. It is also often believed to be when the veil between the living and dead is thin and a lot of witches tend to practice divination on the night of the 31st.
What can I do to celebrate Samhain you may be asking, well there are many ways to and some you may already do!!
1. Build an altar for the holiday, or declutter your current one and set up to reflect the season and the harvest. You can use things such as leaves, herbs, candles, apples, oranges, pumpkins, acorns, pine cones, citrine, carnelian, bloodstone, moonstone.
2. light a candle some where to meditate on the year and the upcoming one. Any cnadle works but a fall one or an orange one may be best!
3. Go on a walk in nature and reflect on life along with appreciating the season change and color change.
4. Carve pumpkins!! In the old days celts often carved into potatoes and turnips to fend spirits off, and wiccans and pagans tend to keep the pumpkin carving tradition for the same reason.
5. Divination of your choice to talk to ancestors or get insight from the dead (or whatever you may believe in) is always a nice thing to do the night of the 31st. Tarot, pendulums, crystal balls, runes, anything really.
And if you go out to trick or treat, or go to a costume party, or anything else, have fun! Dont worry about if it feels too christian or like you arent celebrating the way you want to that is okay, these festivals and parties are fun and it doesnt make you less of a witch to enjoy them!!
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