okay so az an ang3l born in 02' i had alwayz want3d to hav3 a myspac3 b3caus3 it literally s33m3d like such a cool fucking thing to hav3, and now h3r3 i am with a spac3h3y! hi darlingz! my nam3's qupid, i'm ag3nd3r, black, and som3on3 who yap yap yap's all day. lowk3y my blog ar3a might b3 wh3r3 i post like blurbz of my writing but as of right now its gonna b3 a yapf3st from m3. hop3 that to who3... » Continue Reading
okay so working r3tail iz on3 of th3 most draining thingz a p3rson can do. i f33l the n33d to 3stablish that. lik3 r3ally isn't all that r3warding unless you'r3 lik3 a district manag3r or som3thing. but i'm not anything lik3 that. i'm just som3on3 who 'l3arn3d' (using that t3rm v3ry loos3ly caus3 that m3anz som3one actually had taught m3) how to b3 a m3rchandis3r and lik3d it up until my l3ad stop... » Continue Reading