okay so working r3tail iz on3 of th3 most draining thingz a p3rson can do. i f33l the n33d to 3stablish that. lik3 r3ally isn't all that r3warding unless you'r3 lik3 a district manag3r or som3thing. but i'm not anything lik3 that. i'm just som3on3 who 'l3arn3d' (using that t3rm v3ry loos3ly caus3 that m3anz som3one actually had taught m3) how to b3 a m3rchandis3r and lik3d it up until my l3ad stopp3d tr3ating m3 lik3 a p3rson who d3s3rv3d kindn3zz and hon3sty. caus3 som3on3 onc3 told him that i waz s3nsitiv3 and that waz why h3 n3v3r told m3 what i waz doing wrong and just ostraciz3d m3. and you know that'z not cool at all. and yknow th3 ostracization haz gott3n r3ally bad. so i found a n3w job and i quit thiz w33k and just n33d to rid3 out thiz w33k and i'll b3 out of it. but i do hav3 to work with him on my last day and it'z str3ssing m3 out a littl3 caus3,
1.) h3 didn't say anything to th3 t3xt i s3nt saying thiz iz my last w33k (y3z it waz in t3xt, h3 would'v3 gott3n a 2 w33ks notic3 and r3sp3ct if h3 gav3 r3sp3ct to m3)
2.) and i'm a p3opl3 pl3as3r, so i'm afraid i'm going to put mys3lf through the wring3r that last day b3caus3 of that but that'z not v3ry fair to mys3lf.
hon3stly i'm sorry thiz iz just m3 rambling caus3 i'm r3ally trying not to str3ss about thiz too bad but i r3ally don't want som3 backwardz fucking attitud3 from him :(
anyway i hop3 3v3ryon3 r3ading thiz haz a good day/3v3ning/night/ and r3m3mb3r.
your m3ntal and 3motional stat3 iz mor3 important than som3 stupid job.
- qupid
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