Greetings, amorphous blobs! To those who may stumble apon this blob, it is I! TOYANN !... Little bit of an underwhelming name but, oh well- HI ! I'm not new to this website, I had an account before but, since I wanted a fresh start I figured making a new account would be epic. I love to create content, aspiring to be an animator. I love to digitally draw, daydream, sing in the shower, summon sata... » Continue Reading
CARE INC. is an adult animated television series created by ToyAnn E. Griffin and Felix Nawaf A. Alsharif, which revolves around the misadventures of a rag-tag group of villains called the ‘S.T.E.M. Team’ set on the fictional island of Crescent Isle. Who’s dedicating their lives to fight against an evil non-profit disability awareness organization named Care Inc. and their superhero mascot, Captai... » Continue Reading