Care Inc. - Ultimate Draft I

CARE INC. is an adult animated television series created by ToyAnn E. Griffin and Felix Nawaf A. Alsharif, which revolves around the misadventures of a rag-tag group of villains called the ‘S.T.E.M. Team’ set on the fictional island of Crescent Isle. Who’s dedicating their lives to fight against an evil non-profit disability awareness organization named Care Inc. and their superhero mascot, Captain Ordinary. 

‘Rahim’ Dr. Rabies: HE/HIM

Leader of S.T.E.M. Erratic and unpredictable. This traumatized survivor has dedicated his life to getting justice from those who wronged him and his community. Although he and his group are called villains, they're vigilantes.   

Rahim Rabies (Code-name: Dr Rabies) was born in Liverpool, England to a loving family… mostly. At a young age, his mother got tired of him, finding his autistic traits being infuriating. Under Secrecy and without his father’s knowledge, Rahim was transported to a facility called: Care Incorporated. Thrusted into their expensive program, Rahim underwent corrective therapy, to “fix” his autism. 

Eventually, his mother became neglectful and stopped paying for his treatment, resulting him to become the newest test subject of Care. Forced to undergo torturous experiments in an attempt to make him “perfect”.


‘Sebastian’  Dr. Glass (Or, The Mad Assistant): HE/HIM (Code-name WIP)

Partner in Crime of Dr. Rabies. Gifted, Calm and Calculated. Registered nurse and occupational mad surgeon. He helped Rahim escape the clutches of Care, and eventually fell in love.

Sebastian Rabies (Code-name: The Surgical Assistant) had always aspired to follow in the footsteps of his parents. He became inspired by the influential doctors and nurses of the medical field, wanting to be just like them. He had been coming to work with his parents and even made friends with one of his parents’ patients, Rahim. But all that changed when he discovered the truth of his family’s true intentions.

They had been working for Care’s research and development team deep within the bellows of the facility. Secretly experimenting and torturing the children of Care like they were animals. Testing serums and elixirs on their bodies and skin. When Sebastian discovered this, he was terrified. At that moment, Sebastian had burst into action. He ran throughout the halls of this newfound asylum and rescued his friend, escaping with his soon-to-be lover, Rahim.


‘Kai’ Dr. Bug: THEY/THEM

An aspiring zoologist, fascinated with frogs, fishes, and bugs. Wants to literally BE a bug, saddens when can’t.

Kai Bitsui (Code-name: Dr. Bug) grew up in a stable household of Four polyamorous scientists that study the wildlife of Crescent Isle, also well as manage the Crescent Isle Zoo. Kai eventually discovers the S.T.E.M. Team via posters with rip-away phone number, that were tacked onto light posts, fences, walls… really any surface.

At the age of 12, they joined the team! At first as a summer job but eventually, becoming a permanent part of S.T.E.M.


‘Lily’ Lilypad: SHE/HER

Basically a giant humanized panda. Constantly sleepy. In love with robotics, programming, computers. A technology geek.

Lily O’Neill (WIP)


‘Arson’ Arsenal Arson: SHE/HE/THEY/?

A serial killer assassin from space. Joined S.T.E.M. on a whim. In a complicated but, loving relationship with a retired, insane private investigator.  


Captain Ordinary: HE/HIM

THE problem. Precised as narcissistic, unbelievably immature and a nuisance to the entirety of Crescent Isle. Is the superhero mascot of Care Inc, and was also tasked with defeating S.T.E.M., as they are a threat to the organization.

The Director:

Not much is known about him. He was the one who founded Care Inc. Heaven only knows how old he is. The ‘father’ of Captain Ordinary and his siblings. HATES everyone, including his own children. Demands for everything to fit his worldview.

2 Kudos


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Felix's profile picture

I am the co-creator of this insane masterpiece it’s been three years of insanity but fun creating the series with my best friend hopefully will be on adult swim one day :3

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