i don't know what they like put into their music, if it's some kind of drug or something, or like some background shit that tricks your brain into loving them but i don't know how anyone could ever not like pierce the veil. like they are one of the best bands that ever existed. not one of their songs is "bad". one might be worse than another, but they're all beautiful in their own ways. i have 3 p... » Continue Reading
I literally had a dream that I went to a thrift store and found TWO very cheap vintage juicy couture purses and zebra print pj pants TwT I also found leopard print pj pants (in the dream) but someone caught me stealing from their cart and I didn't know someone was using the cart I thought it was just a cart of clothes that needed done or something if that makes sense.... anyways that was my dream... » Continue Reading
hiii guys!! i know alot of you on here like mcr especially because this is basically myspace, but yeah that's all self explanatory. but anyways, about a month or so ago the songs off three cheers started sounding weird. i mostly noticed it from you know what they do to guys like us in prison. on the "my cellmate's a killer, they make me do push-ups in drag!!!" part. that part is like completely bl... » Continue Reading
hii so first blog post... i can't focus in school dude like what the fuck man... i'm currently online schooled and i want to do my work and be smart and all but it's so hard when pierce the veil and spacehey literally exist like i have to focus BUT SPACEHEY?? HELLOO?? and ptv. » Continue Reading