There are a few spoilers in this blog (Including a major spoiler too), so please read this blog knowing this. And you need to know the lore of the game to understand this blog. Most of the horror games tells the story directly with the dialogues. But in silent hill 2 you need to understand the story. I mean like there i » Continue Reading
First of all, James is a terrible person because what he done before. But his remake design is so handsome like he looks like he is not a person like that or he wouldn't do smth like that to his wife. Tbh i love his new design but i think the silent hill community will romanticize him. Like i said he IS hansome but it doesn't mean that he is innocent. There is nothing to romanticize about him. » Continue Reading
I have so many stickers like SO MANY but i still keep collecting. And I don't even use them. They just stays on my desk. (I'm going to broke help) » Continue Reading
First of all, I'm not a big fan of them but i like their songs and sometimes i litteraly forget them to listen. Like I usually use spotify to listen smth but when the songs that I like are not on spotify, I forget them. I think its an copyright issue but idk. It would be so nice if they were on spotify 😔🙏🏻 » Continue Reading