Yesterday a friend and I went to the Owl Sanctuary! It was super cool, and there were like. six whole owls there. We also hiked for about half a mile, and oh my god, I would've loved to do more but the TICKS. THERE WERE SO MANY TICKS. I CAN STILL FEEL THEM. We hung out for a bit at my house after, too, and she let me show her all the Meet The Team videos as well as Expiration Date, which was very ... » Continue Reading
I was so productive today!! I worked out for 15 minutes this morning, which might not seem like a lot, but I'm pretty proud of. I don't want to tell my family, because my dad will start pressuring me to do it more, and I honestly didn't like it that much, but I did work out! Then I went out with a friend and I got a banana nutella crepe, which turned out to just be peanut butter, so I kind of felt... » Continue Reading
Spoiler Warning! (Obviously) TW: MENTIONS of suicide. Thinking about the fourth episode of The Devil's Playhouse so hard because what the actual hell was that. I just finished playing it with my family, and it was super funny, super uncomfortable, and honestly kind of tragic at the same time? There were so many implications, like when trying to recreate the right universe/timeline, the three possi... » Continue Reading