wolf haley

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"complicated - avril lavigne"


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1 Comment— 1 Kudos

im b4ck 0__o

Category: Blogging

okayy soo i made a new MSN messenger account >:3 my username is rawrXD@escargot.chat  add m3!! >. < » Continue Reading

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h3lp !! O.O

Category: Life

th1s guy 1 us3d 2 t4lk t0 (h3 c4lled m3 a sl ut ) s0 i st0pped talk8ng 2 him) txted m3 4nd s4id h3's s0rry.. 4nd h3 asked m3 t0 h3lp h1m with his 3ngl1sh pr0ject 4nd th1s h4ppened 4nd 1dk wh4t 2 th1nk of it.. O_o advice needed!! » Continue Reading

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1 Comment— 2 Kudos

c0nv3rt1ng my fr3ns XD !! /hj

Category: Life

my fr3ns 4re 4sk1ng m3 ab0ut sp4ceh3y & 4sk1ng m3 h0w t0 s3t up th31r pr0fs!! :D 1m s0 h4ppy!! m4yb3 1 c4n m4k3 th3m sc3n3 k1ds :0 » Continue Reading

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1 Comment— 4 Kudos

HAII >.<

Category: Life

im new hereee!! plz welcome me :3 here'z da song im listening 2 rn ^_^ song owo » Continue Reading

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