I partially dislike vacations cuz I just don't do much more than staying at home and playing guitar and video games, and this "routine" gets old so quick and it makes me SOOO BOOOREEED, wake up, eat, watch the same things, play the same things, don't talk a lot and shower (I like taking showers). Don't really have that many friends, and the ones I have are travelling or just can't come and hang... » Continue Reading
YOOOOO It was supposed to arrive like, next week BUT IT'S HERE :D MY BABY IS HEEERE XD This is a Tagima TW-61 (fenders are too expensive) Idk what to name it tho :/ I want to give it a feminine name » Continue Reading
OH YEAh XDDDD I'm gettin a new guitar soon and it'll be a (offset) jazzmaster Now I'll have two, a strat and a jazzmstr :D The strat will be perma dowtuned to drop C# so I can play some Pierce the Veil and other heavier tunes (and write songs for the soon to come band >u :] » Continue Reading
I got my friend to listen to The Black Parade album and made him watch all the MVs and some Youtube videos about the album's story. He now asked me to recomend him more conceputal albums, so I did what every decent person should do: make him listen to Three Cheers and Danger Days. Now, now. What about Bullets? Ain't you gonna recomend it to him?" you might ask. Well, Bullets, altough my favourit... » Continue Reading
Oh crap, I just remembered this site should use this more often fr it's waay less crowded (I think) anyway I just went through two breakeups in one semester I'm OK (I promise) (see what I did there? hehe) » Continue Reading