I HAVE DISCORD!!! IT'S BETTER TO MSG ME ON THERE THAN ON SPACEHEY. ( It's ' dvntze. ' WITH THE DOT!! THE PERIOD!! BECAUSE THE ONE WITHOUT IS MY OLD ACCOUNT THAT GOT HACKED..) I'm very awkward,, If you msg me I'll probably jump around my room happily just seeing the notif Use tone tags please!! I make OC's and draw!! [ I'll probably add more stuff if I rememberrr ] » Continue Reading
They're loud, and VERY impolite. Guy in my class ( dunno who) told me to move away from the whiteboard like this : " MOVE OMG " like, SOO IMPOLITE. How do you expect girls to like you if you act like this?? Immature ass man And they say girls are dramatic, Boys literally cry and screen over soccer???? I'd say were both equally dramatic most of the time » Continue Reading