how im feeling
Category: Life
today im not feeling great. im feeling really really insecure about my weight. idk not great today man :( » Continue Reading
"talking with bf "
16 and ginger
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Category: Life
today im not feeling great. im feeling really really insecure about my weight. idk not great today man :( » Continue Reading
Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes
i hope all of you are doing okay with the fact that we have no control over time because for the first time in a while, i kinda am. i mean, don't get me wrong i am struggling, but not as much as the previous years. this year was difficult. i broke up with my ex of like a year and had to cope with that as i had become so co-dependent on him, i really struggled with my mental health this year but it... » Continue Reading
Category: Life
lowkey might treat this as a digital journal for all my thoughts and emotions. its currently like one in the morning and ive spent the whole morning looking for a cute little layout. » Continue Reading