I actually had a lot fo things i wanted to write about but i had a minor/maybe major irl crisis that dierted my attention away from everything. ill try and write more soon hopefully. Im gonna write about some perhaps nerdy niche stuff so if you dont care dont feel bad about not reading it » Continue Reading
Jad is a monster in runescape you have to spend like an hour fighting waces and waves of thing to get to. I've beaten him SEVEN times on old school runescape and i wanted to do it on modern runescape because my brother is too afraid to and i wanted to show him it was easy. (for those unaware old school and modern have totally different combat and mechancis so its weird for me) these days in newsca... » Continue Reading
so i dont really use twitter(not calling it x) but when i do its fora bout 2 minutes and then i get right back off again, like its genuinely insane how much the people on there bitch and compain, every tweet is some brainlet thinking hes so smart hating on something popular, or someone like a minecrafrt fan who complains after getting what they wanted GOD i need to write aobu tminecraft fans somet... » Continue Reading
Anyone who knows me well knows i am insanely obsessed with preservation, i never delte messages, never delete convos even with people i dont talk to anymore, enver delete discord channels pictures videos screenshtos etc. ill probably enver use bulletins because the idea or writing something that disapears after a certain amount of time is not appealing to me so ill just use only the blog » Continue Reading
The fundamental misunderstanding of denji as a cahracter is so deeply ingrained into the public consiouness that i beleive its irreversible. Denji's motivation is not boobs, it is not hornyness, he expresses his feelings that way because its the only way he knows how, his lsut for boobs comes form his deep seeded mother issues due to her abscence wehn he was a child. All he craves is someone who c... » Continue Reading
So i read through all my old rants and theryre sorta all over the place and also ahve random people interjedcting including a lot of people i no longer talk to and hate and i dont wanna edit all of them out adn all my responses to them so im ntoa ctaully gonna repsot stuff from my previous rants, all new rambles henceforth hopefully » Continue Reading
Everyone who knows me knows that I am the talker, some people refer to me as a yapper, i find this term offensive(jk) but i love to talk, i love when people message me, i love rambling about my interests i love talking to people sending people stuff and disccusing it talking about movies tv shows games books whatever I LOVE TALKING. and i have a disregard for capitalization spelling grammar and pu... » Continue Reading