Howdy! I thought it would be cool if I made it a daily thing to make a post on what I'm listening to currently. If you happen to stumble upon this blog, feel free to leave a comment on what music you're obsessing over currently, whether that be a song or an album or whatever! I thought this would be a cool way for people to get recommendations and such. :) Currently I'm listening to Yabujin's "Ear... » Continue Reading
I should probably make a small intro post since I'm new. I'm Heather, I'm 25, and I like music and games. Never had MySpace back in the day but this website looked interesting and I wanted to try it out. Feel free to shoot me a friend request if you're an adult (18+) and you have similar interests to mine. :) Also if I send you a friend request and you decline it and I send you a request again, I ... » Continue Reading
I'm back from the dead. My first semester of grad school is done and it went well! I will be trying to be more active here during the summer. Hope whoever reads this is having a good day :D » Continue Reading
Hi everyone who reads this! I hope you are having a good day :). I've had a pretty busy weekend but it was fun! Yesterday I went to an apple orchid with my family and boyfriend, and we bought some stuff and saw some chickens/ducks/geese. We also ate some good food. I had a pulled pork sandwich and some mac and cheese :D. Anyway, here are a couple of things I have been listening to. The first one I... » Continue Reading