Hi, lately I've been thinking about introverts (because I'm one haha) and I know being introverted is not the same as being shy, but the thing here is that things can get tough when you are both (me). The world is not made for those people; sometimes it can be very scary. Right now, I'm trying to search for a job (because I was being a little princess without work) and I'm SOOO afraid. I don't wan... » Continue Reading
Hi, i don't know who may read this and idc, but I just want to talk about how it feels to be an adult, I'm writing here bc here nobody knows me so I think it is a good way to express myself. Firstly, I'm sorry about my English I'm still learning, anyway. I HATE BEING AN ADULT I'm serious, if you are a teen enjoy it, I know right now you are saying that being a teen sucks but being an adult sucks e... » Continue Reading
Hi, i completly forgot about this page, but now I think I'm gonna use it often I hope I can tell some interesting things to yall guys » Continue Reading