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my life is a cursen't
Category: Life
Have you ever thought life is a curse? That to live is a punishment? I wake up every day, repeating the same depressing routine. I'm forced to interact with people I have no disl » Continue Reading
"Just Chilling"
17 he/him
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Category: Life
Have you ever thought life is a curse? That to live is a punishment? I wake up every day, repeating the same depressing routine. I'm forced to interact with people I have no disl » Continue Reading
Category: Life
The particles confuse the hell out of me I get the grammar but what the hell is wrong with the particles? maybe it's my brain that's the problem. It just won't understand the particles. I need someone to explain it in the simplest way possible that even a toddler could understand it. » Continue Reading
Category: Life
Funniest sleep paralysis moment in my life. I was sleeping in the "freefaller" position and just felt hands pushing my head down my pillow. Eventually, reached towards the back of my neck where I felt ticklish and I woke up from that. » Continue Reading
Category: Life
What's my purpose here? I wonder. I've been so stressed about everything lately. Chores, School, Hobbies... What am I doing all these for if it's all just going to end one day? I see the beauty in life, but that's it. I'm confused how I feel. Sometimes it's nothing but constant exhaustion and anxiety. I grew up not being able to express how I really felt as I've always been told to just shut up. P... » Continue Reading