My name is Velvet and i am a minor (won't tell specifically, but if we get to know eachother well then i might open up more to ye) English is NOT my first language, but i know my shit- I am a student in a musical based school and i am a singer. I love classic rock, metal, jazz and a tiny bit of pop, but i am a BIG 60s/70s/80s fan. My main bands are Queen, The Beatles and The Monkees they're basi... » Continue Reading
Haven't opened up here in a while ey? Not a lot has happened, but i'll just go through what has happened this year. My grandpa was sent to the hospital somewhere around the end of January, then on valentines day he passed away in the hospital. It was tough and i am still grieving, but i am getting better. Afterwards i decided to end things with my long distant bf, turns out he (IN A WAY) support... » Continue Reading
It's currently 2 am and i am havin anxious thoughts about my ex gf. Since she made one of her friends texts me a few months ago and act all friendly around me then surprising me by texting me from her friends phone shit like "do you like my piercing UWU" has got me feelin so on edge. The relationship in general with her was absolutely toxic and so untrustworthy, nothing felt magical with her and ... » Continue Reading